A new study on brain activation during goal-oriented (and not) tasks.


Motor disorders are a global challenge, but guided neuro-motor rehabilitation can make a difference! Check out this latest study using the NIRSBOX device to measure motor cortex activity in-vivo and real-time during arm-raising actions. Link to publication: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2023.1202705/full Motor cortex functional activation was studied for both goal-oriented & non-goal-oriented tasks in healthy subjects! We are setting the basis for understanding healthy motor cortex activation related

fNIRS Events in July!


Two important events for the fNIRS community are coming up!They both will be held in Padova and sound like excellent opportunities for researchers to gather and exchange knowledge in the fields of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and brain hemodynamics. Here are some key details about each event: 6-7 July 2023 – fNIRS Italy – focused on showcasing

NIRSBOX-OEM is here!


We’re proud to announce the launch of NIRSBOX-OEM, the latest version of our TD-NIRS devices. With its plug-and-play design, NIRSBOX-OEM can be easily integrated into a wide range of systems and instruments, making it an ideal solution for researchers and R&D teams. Whether you are looking to improve the performance of your existing devices or

VASCOVID Workshop (Milan, 10-11 November)


The VASCOVID consortium is organizing a free workshop, open to everyone. The new photonics technologies for assessing our health will be presented, and the first clinical data will be shown. Clinicians, Researchers and Students are more than welcome. More information here: https://vascovid.eu/news-and-events/vascovid-workshop/ See you there!

Autumn 2022 events


Expo and conference season has started! Here are your next appointments with us.  Come to visit PIONIRS’ booth: Reliable, quantitative tissue oximetry.  Your next plug and play oximeter for cutting-edge medical research. https://fnirs2022.fnirs.org/https://www.esicm.org/events/35th-annual-congress/https://vascovid.eu/news-and-events/vascovid-workshop/

PIONIRS new partner of VASCOVID project


We officially joined the VASCOVID European research project! COVID19 taughts us resilience and here we are, developing cutting-edge photonics technology for improving clinical diagnosis in intensive-care units. Top scientists and highly qualified research institutes are pursuing smart and disruptive solutions for non-invasive patient health monitoring. We are investing all our strengths in it and promising outcomes are already emerging. Thanks to all the great partners of this project:ICFOFisica –