Embed the power of TD-NIRS in your custom devices

NIRSBOX-OEM is the solution if you are looking for a quick integration of TD-NIRS in your research system.

Easy installation and sync to your set-up, thanks to the available cross-OS libraries.
Completely plug-and-play, and ready to unleash your creativity in diffuse optical measurements.

Couple it with your other measuring devices

  • Input/Output synchronization signals (e.g. to couple with Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy systems); 
  • Synchronized pairing with spyrometry, cycloergometers and EMG;
  • Recover parameter like: methaboloic rate of oxygen extraction, blood flow and many others.

Selected publications

  • Full characterization of a fast and multi-distance TD-NIRS + DCS device integrated with NIRSBOX-OEM device for clinical applications.
    Sensors – 24(22), 7375, November 2024
    Read the article


  • Multi-distance DCS device integrated with NIRSBOX-OEM device to monitor blood flow, tissue oxygenation, and oxygen metabolic rate.
    Sensors – 21(3), January 2021
    Read the article

Product intended to be used for research applications only, not sold as medical device. Product not intended to be used for diagnosis or disease treatments. Specifications and data are preliminary and may be subject to changes, to improve function, reliability or design.